Em 1895 Willhem Conrad Roentgen descobriu o raio-x.
A primeira radiografia que ele fez foi à mão da sua mulher, Anna Bertha. Conseguiam-se distinguir os seus ossos e um anel, quando viu o seu esqueleto ela disse:
"Vi a minha própria morte."
Fascinado com a sua descoberta, Roentgen continuou a fotografar a mão da mulher, com os mais variados objectos. Em 1919 ela morreu com um cancro, provavelmente provocado por excessiva exposição aos raios-x.
Anna Bertha é uma Estrela Supernova.
3 comentários:
Considering more circumstantial evidence such as travelers' reports and the lack of good reports after 1689, it is likely that the dodo became extinct before 1700; the last Dodo died little more than a century after the species' discovery in 1581.
Few took particular notice of the extinct bird. By the early 19th century it seemed altogether too strange a creature, and was believed by many to be a myth. With the discovery of the first batch of dodo bones in the Mare aux Songes and the reports written about them by George Clarke, government schoolmaster at Mahébourg, from 1865 on, interest in the bird was rekindled. In the same year in which Clarke started to publish his reports, the newly-vindicated bird was featured as a character in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. With the popularity of the book, the dodo became a well-known and easily recognizable icon of extinction.
sad sad sad
The last one standing
We mean you!
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